The smart way to repurpose B2B marketing content for small businesses with AI

As a CMO of a small B2B business, the challenges of content marketing can be overwhelming. Discover the smart way to repurpose B2B marketing content using AI. Uncover efficient, cost-effective strategies that enable you to engage diverse audiences, reinforce consistent messaging, and boost your SEO and online presence. Take your small business to the next level.

Published on

February 1, 2024

Quick summary:

- Discover the smart way to repurpose B2B marketing content for small businesses.

- Explore the benefits of content repurposing, including cost-effectiveness, expanded reach, and SEO optimization.

- Learn about 10 actionable steps for effective content repurposing.

- Find out how AI can supercharge your content repurposing efforts with automation, personalization, and optimization.

As a Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) of a small B2B business, you face a number of content marketing challenges. 

Firstly, there's the constant pressure to produce fresh, engaging content that resonates with your target audience. You want your content to reach far and wide, so it enables you to bring in some quick wins. But with limited resources – both in terms of budget and manpower – how do you ensure consistent posts, a good reach and results you can show? 

You probably have also considered SEO but staying relevant in a fast-paced digital world where SEO and audience preferences change rapidly is a significant hurdle. 

How do you tackle this problem?

Content repurposing could be the answer you’ve been looking for.

Did you know that a whopping 94% of marketers repurpose their content. The remaining 6% plan to include it in their marketing strategy in the future.1 

What is content repurposing?

Content repurposing is adapting your existing content into various formats or updating it for new contexts, aiming to reach a broader audience and enhance marketing effectiveness.

Repurposing content offers an efficient way to maximize the value of existing marketing materials. By creatively adapting and recycling content, small B2B businesses can extend the life and reach of their marketing efforts, ensuring consistent and impactful communication with their target audience. 

The smart way to repurpose B2B marketing content for small businesses with AI
Source: SEMRush2

Why Repurpose Content?

1. Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness: Repurposing content is a smart strategy for small businesses with limited budgets and resources. Instead of constantly creating entirely new content, you can maximize the value of existing materials. This approach not only saves time and effort but also reduces the need for additional expenditures on content creation.

2. Expanded Reach and Engagement: Repurposing allows you to reach and engage with different audience segments more effectively. By adapting content to suit various preferences and learning styles, you can resonate with a broader audience. Whether your target audience prefers reading, watching videos, listening to podcasts, or browsing infographics, repurposed content ensures that you have something for everyone.

3. Consistent Messaging: Maintaining a consistent brand message is crucial for establishing trust and recognition. Repurposing content into various forms reinforces your brand's key messages and values across different platforms and channels. This consistency helps solidify your brand identity in the minds of your audience.

4. SEO and Online Presence: Diversifying content forms through repurposing can significantly enhance your online visibility and search engine rankings. By offering a variety of content types, you increase the chances of appearing in search results for a wide range of keywords and queries. This improved SEO can attract more organic traffic to your website, blog, or social media profiles.

5. Consistency and Increased Volume: Repurposing content enables you to maintain a consistent content schedule and produce a higher volume of materials. This consistency is essential for keeping your audience engaged and returning for more. Additionally, it allows you to cover a broader range of topics and address different aspects of your industry or niche, establishing your authority and expertise over time.

The smart way to repurpose B2B marketing content for small businesses with AI
PS: We used DALL-E to create this image!

Methods of Repurposing Content

Format Transformation: Repurposing content involves transforming existing materials into different formats to reach a wider audience. For instance, you can convert well-performing blog posts into visually engaging infographics, dynamic videos, informative podcasts, or interactive webinars. This approach allows you to cater to diverse learning preferences and extend your content's lifespan.

For instance, we repurposed this blog:

The smart way to repurpose B2B marketing content for small businesses with AI

Into a LinkedIn carousel post:

The smart way to repurpose B2B marketing content for small businesses with AI

Content Segmentation: Breaking down comprehensive content into smaller, bite-sized segments is a strategic repurposing method. This technique is particularly effective for social media platforms where shorter attention spans prevail. By dividing lengthy articles, reports, or guides into digestible pieces, you can create a stream of engaging social media posts, short video clips, or even podcast episodes.

Update and Relaunch: To keep your content evergreen and relevant, consider refreshing outdated materials with new data, insights, or examples. This approach ensures that your audience continues to find value in your content, and it presents an opportunity to revisit and enhance the effectiveness of your previous work.

Syndication: Repurposing content can also involve syndication, where you reuse your existing content on external platforms. For example, you can use your well-crafted content as a foundation for guest posts on industry-specific websites or publish it on platforms like LinkedIn Pulse or Medium. Syndication broadens your content's reach and exposes it to new audiences who may have missed it during its initial release. This method can be particularly advantageous for establishing authority and credibility in your niche.

The smart way to repurpose B2B marketing content for small businesses with AI
Source: Goinswriter.com3

10-step guide to repurposing content 

1. Identify Evergreen Content 

Start your content repurposing journey by identifying evergreen content from your existing resources. As a small B2B business, it's crucial to choose content that remains relevant over time. Utilize analytics tools to pinpoint high-performing pieces that continue to provide value to your audience.

2. Adapt to Different Formats 

Small B2B businesses can benefit from transforming their chosen content into various formats. For example, a blog post can be repurposed into an infographic, a video tutorial, or even incorporated into a webinar. The key is to adapt the content so that it seamlessly fits into its new format, making it more engaging and accessible to your audience.

The smart way to repurpose B2B marketing content for small businesses with AI

3. Break Content into Smaller Segments

Large pieces of content, such as comprehensive reports or lengthy articles, can be daunting for your audience. To cater to smaller attention spans, consider breaking such content into smaller, more digestible segments. These smaller segments are ideal for creating social media posts, short video clips, or even podcast episodes, allowing you to maximize your content's reach.

4. Embrace Visual Content for Small B2B Businesses

Visual content tends to perform exceptionally well, especially on platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter. For small B2B businesses, converting text-heavy content into visual formats like infographics, slide decks, or eye-catching images can significantly enhance engagement and shareability among your target audience.

5. Repurpose for Guest Posts

Leverage your existing content as a foundation for guest posts on other websites or industry publications. While the core idea may remain the same, present it with a fresh perspective or include new examples relevant to your small B2B business niche. This strategy not only extends your reach but also positions you as an authority in your field.

6. Repurpose Across Multiple Channels

Don't hesitate to reuse the same ideas or tips across different pieces of content. For small B2B businesses, this can be a valuable strategy to reinforce key messages. Providing a new angle or context can make the content feel fresh and relevant each time it's presented.

7. Repurpose for Different Audience Segments

Small B2B businesses often have diverse customer segments. Tailor your content to suit these various audience segments. Customize the messaging and examples to resonate specifically with each group, increasing the relevance and impact of your content.

8. Republish on Different Platforms

Consider republishing your content on platforms beyond your website. Platforms like LinkedIn Pulse, Medium, or industry-specific forums can expose your content to new audiences who may have missed it during the initial release. Small B2B businesses can use this strategy to increase visibility and reach.

Check out this insightful guide4 from Benji Hyam, co-founder of Grow and Convert5. It not only provides valuable tips for achieving virality on Medium but also recommends alternative platforms to share your content.

9. Harness AI Tools for Assistance

Small B2B businesses can benefit greatly from AI tools for content analysis and adaptation. AI can assist in identifying potential content for repurposing, analyzing its performance, and efficiently transforming it into different formats. This technology enables small businesses to streamline the content repurposing process and maximize their resources effectively.

10. SEO Optimization
Ensure that your repurposed content is optimized for search engines. Update it with relevant keywords to improve its visibility in search engine results. SEO optimization is essential for driving organic traffic to your small B2B business's website and increasing your online presence.

How AI helps with repurposing

AI can be a game-changer when it comes to content repurposing for small B2B businesses. Here are some ways in which AI can assist in the content repurposing process:

1. Content Analysis and Recommendations: AI-powered tools can analyze your existing content and identify pieces that have the potential for repurposing. These tools can suggest which articles, blog posts, or reports can be transformed into different formats effectively.

2. Automated Content Transformation: AI can automate the process of converting content into various formats. For example, it can turn written articles into audio content, create video summaries of blog posts, or generate infographics from data-heavy reports. This automation saves time and resources.

3. Personalization: AI can help tailor content for different audience segments by analyzing user data and preferences. It can generate variations of content that resonate better with specific target groups, ensuring that your message is more personalized and engaging.

4. Content Optimization: AI can assist in optimizing repurposed content for search engines. It can recommend relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and headers to improve the content's search engine visibility, increasing the chances of attracting organic traffic.

5. Performance Analytics: AI-driven analytics tools can track the performance of repurposed content across various channels. They provide insights into which formats and topics are resonating most with your audience, allowing you to refine your repurposing strategy over time.

6. Content Generation: AI can assist in generating new content ideas based on trending topics, user queries, and industry trends. This helps in ensuring that your repurposed content remains relevant and aligned with current interests.

7. Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP technology can help in enhancing the quality of repurposed content. It can improve the readability, coherence, and overall quality of the content to ensure it meets high standards.

8. Multilingual Repurposing: For businesses targeting global markets, AI can assist in translating and adapting content for different languages and regions, broadening your reach and engagement.

9. Content Distribution: AI-powered tools can optimize the distribution of repurposed content by recommending the best channels, posting schedules, and audience targeting strategies. This ensures that your content reaches the right people at the right time.

10. Content Personalization: AI can personalize content for individual users based on their past interactions and preferences. This level of personalization can significantly improve engagement and conversion rates.


In summary, content repurposing offers significant advantages for CMOs of small B2B businesses. 

Efficiency and cost-effectiveness are critical for CMOs with limited resources and Content repurposing enables them to maximize the value of existing materials, saving time and effort while reducing additional content creation expenses. It also allows CMOs to connect with diverse audience segments effectively, reinforcing brand messages across platforms and enhance SEO and online presence, attracting more organic traffic.

AI enhances content repurposing by automating tasks, optimizing content, and personalizing messaging.

To experience the benefits of content repurposing and AI-driven solutions, visit us and #Bemore with aibiliti. Elevate your content marketing and lead your business to greater success.







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