How to create a content strategy for a small B2B business (FREE Content Strategy Planning Template)

This insightful guide offers AI-powered strategies for understanding market dynamics, audience needs, and competitive landscapes. Learn how multi-channel marketing and in-depth analysis can revolutionize your content approach, driving engagement and conversion. Perfect for CMOs looking to lead with data-driven decisions.

Published on

February 1, 2024

Quick Summary:

  • Discover the foundation of shaping effective B2B content strategies.
  • We discuss how to go about creating a content strategy and how 'Identify' from aibiliti's 4i workflow provides crucial market, audience, and competitor insights.

A B2B content marketing strategy provides a blueprint for connecting with customers in a meaningful way. 

A good content strategy allows businesses to craft a narrative that resonates with their target audience, establishing thought leadership, and ultimately driving leads and sales. Key considerations while coming up with a content strategy include pinpointing precise business goals, grasping audience needs through research, and delivering value across every touchpoint. 

A strategy should encompass not just the types of content that will be created, but also data-driven insights for distribution, SEO, and performance metrics for continuous optimization. 

In essence, every piece of content needs to serve a strategic purpose, align with the company's brand voice, and move the target audience through the sales funnel with clear intent and direction.

Importance of a Strong Foundation in Content Strategy

The foundation of a good content strategy is a deep understanding of: 

  • the market
  • the audience
  • the competition. 

Without these insights, even the most creative campaigns can miss their mark. A solid foundation ensures that every piece of content serves its intended purpose, driving meaningful engagement and measurable results.

Once this solid foundation has been established, you are ready to create your content strategy. The next section explains the steps involved in creating a robust strategy and how ‘Identify’, the first step of aibiliti’s 4i service workflow, helps.

How to create a content strategy?

Step 1: Define Your Marketing Goals

Your content strategy should start with well-defined marketing goals. Begin by aligning these goals with your overall business objectives. Avoid the temptation to create a laundry list of objectives; instead, focus on two or three strong overarching goals. Ensure these goals are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound). For instance, you might set a goal to increase website traffic by 20% in the next six months or to generate 30% more leads through content downloads. By clarifying your priorities, you provide your team with a clear sense of direction, ensuring everyone works towards common outcomes.

How Identify helps:

Identify leverages AI to provide comprehensive insights into your business, industry, and target audience. By analyzing industry trends, competitor strategies, and audience behavior, it helps in setting precise and achievable marketing goals. You gain a data-driven understanding of your market, allowing you to align your goals with industry standards and emerging opportunities.

Step 2: Conduct Persona Research

Understanding your target audience is paramount to crafting content that resonates. Dive deep into available data, including past analytics, to identify patterns in your audience's behavior. Don't stop at demographics; delve into psychographics and pain points. Develop detailed buyer personas that represent your ideal customers. These personas should paint a vivid picture of who your audience is, what challenges they face, and what solutions they seek. Armed with this knowledge, you can tailor your content to address their specific needs and preferences effectively.

How Identify helps:
Identify plays a crucial role in persona research. It utilizes advanced AI algorithms to analyze online behavior, social media interactions, and demographic data. This results in highly detailed and accurate buyer personas. The personas go beyond basic demographics, incorporating psychographic elements like interests, pain points, and motivations. This depth of understanding ensures that your personas are truly representative of your audience.

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Step 3: Run a Content Audit

Before creating new content, evaluate what you already have. Conduct a thorough content audit to assess the quality and relevance of your existing materials. Look for opportunities to refresh, repurpose, or update older content to keep it current and valuable. Additionally, establish a well-defined content workflow within your team. Clearly outline roles and responsibilities, from content creation to publication. A streamlined workflow ensures efficient content production and helps you meet your publishing deadlines.

How Identify helps:
Identify assists in content audit by evaluating the quality and relevance of existing content. AI-powered tools analyze content performance, identifying content gaps and areas for improvement. It helps in spotting opportunities for repurposing content, streamlining your content workflow, and ensuring that your content aligns with your strategy.

Step 4: Create Content Pegs

With a deep understanding of your audience and market, generate a list of 8 to 10 core topics that you want to address in your content. These topics can be influenced by competitive research, industry trends, and your audience's pain points. Consider these content pegs as the central themes around which your content strategy will revolve. They serve as the foundation upon which you'll build your content assets.

How Identify helps:
Identify's insights into market trends, consumer behavior, and emerging patterns are invaluable for creating content pegs. By analyzing data, it suggests potential themes and subjects that resonate with your target audience. This ensures that your content pegs are not just relevant but also aligned with the latest trends and audience interests.

Step 5: Determine Content Mix

Variety is key in a successful content strategy. Determine the types of content you'll create to engage your audience effectively. Consider including a mix of content formats such as long-form articles, short-form blog posts, webinars, videos, infographics, and resources like case studies. Tailor your content mix to accommodate the diverse preferences of your audience. Some may prefer in-depth articles, while others might engage more with visual content like videos and infographics.

How Identify helps:
Identify provides recommendations on the types of content that perform best based on audience data and industry trends. By analyzing engagement metrics and content preferences, it helps in determining the right content mix. Whether it's long-form articles, short-form blog posts, videos, or infographics, Identify's insights guide your decisions on content formats.

Step 6: Distribution Channels

Identifying the right distribution channels is vital to reaching your audience effectively. Your choices should be informed by thorough audience research and an analysis of past content performance. These channels may include your website, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and third-party platforms like Quora or industry-specific forums. To maximize your reach, focus on the platforms where your target audience is most active. Tailor your content distribution strategy to fit the unique dynamics of each channel.

How Identify helps:
Identify excels in identifying the most effective distribution channels. It conducts audience analysis and social media analysis to pinpoint where your target audience is most active and engaged. This results in recommendations for the appropriate platforms for content distribution. It ensures that you invest your efforts in channels with the highest potential for reaching and engaging your audience.

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Step 7: Create the Content Calendar

With your research and planning complete, it's time to construct a content calendar. This document should outline publication dates, content types, topics, and distribution channels for each piece of content. A well-structured content calendar ensures consistency in your content strategy and helps you stay organized. It serves as a roadmap for your team, guiding them on what needs to be produced and when it should be published.

How Identify helps:
Identify's insights into market trends and audience behavior are crucial for creating a well-informed content calendar. It recommends optimal publication dates and times based on historical data and audience activity. This helps in maximizing the visibility and impact of your content by aligning it with your audience's preferences.

Step 8: Execute and Measure

With your content calendar in place, start executing your content strategy. Publish content across the selected channels, following the schedule you've established. Simultaneously, closely monitor the performance of your content. Define specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for each channel and content piece. Regularly measure these metrics to gauge the effectiveness of your content strategy.

Pay attention to factors like website traffic, engagement rates, lead generation, and conversion rates. Use the insights gained from this data to adjust your strategy and optimize your content for better results.

PS: Look Out for Adjustments

Remember that content and your audience are dynamic. Stay agile and be prepared to make adjustments to your content calendar as needed. Analyze engagement and views, and be willing to tweak your strategy based on real-time feedback. Adapting to changing trends and audience behavior is key to a successful content strategy. Don't hesitate to refine your approach and experiment with new ideas to keep your content fresh and engaging.


The journey to an effective B2B content strategy begins with a thorough understanding of your audience, market, and competition. The integration of AI in this process, as exemplified by aibiliti's 'Identify' stage, provides the strategic intelligence needed to craft a proactive and informed content strategy. 

Whether for a small B2B CMO or a large enterprise, leveraging these insights is crucial for creating content that not only reaches but resonates with the target audience, paving the way for meaningful engagement and conversion.

How are you leveraging AI to deepen your understanding of your audience and outmaneuver the competition?

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