Planning your 2024 marketing budget? Here’s what you need to know (Part 2) (Free Template)

Learn how to smartly allocate your budget, embrace cutting-edge trends, and leverage AI to stay ahead of the curve. Gain authoritative insights and strategies that promise to maximize ROI and position your brand at the innovation forefront. Ready to plan with confidence?

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February 1, 2024

Welcome back to our two-part series on creating your marketing budget for 2024. In Part 1, we laid the groundwork, discussing the role of alignment with business goals, understanding marketing trends, competitive analysis, leveraging historical data insights, and the importance of employee training in crafting your budget. We also touched on the role of outsourced marketing and how it can turn constraints into strategic advantages. 

In Part 2, we will discuss specific sectors where your marketing dollars can have the most significant impact and provide you with a framework to ensure your investments are as effective and efficient as possible. 

Let's get started! 

Sectors where your marketing budget can have the most impact

Events and webinars

56% of marketers said in-person events produced the best results, followed by webinars (51%).

AI & automation

In the digital age, artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing marketing by offering automated data analysis and behavior-based targeting, thus enabling businesses to more effectively meet their goals. AI excels in digital channels, where it impartially identifies genuine consumer preferences by analyzing their interactions with content and responses to marketing campaigns.

This technology relies on sophisticated algorithms to scrutinize consumer behavior, collecting data as users engage with various online elements. It then utilizes this information to proactively engage with users who exhibit certain behaviors, thanks to advanced tech tools and analytics platforms.

In a landscape where immediacy is critical, AI marketing stands out. With competition omnipresent and consumers demanding instant solutions, the luxury of leisurely data analysis is no longer viable. AI facilitates swift, informed decision-making, ensuring marketers can provide timely, personalized messaging to their audience, encouraging the desired response.

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Content creation

In 2024, content will continue to rule the roost, with blogs leading the charge for B2B companies. Insights from August 2023 research3 reveal:

  • Blogs are consistently featured in the top 10 Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), excluding homepages.
  • They are commonly seen within the top 3 to top 5 positions in search results.
  • Successful blogs in SERPs embody optimal SEO practices, combining comprehensive content with a fine-tuned mix of text and code.

However, short-form video content remains a favorite for consumers, particularly during the initial stages of purchase consideration. Quick, concise videos that offer immediate answers are highly effective, as viewers often prefer them over lengthier blogs or webinars when seeking specific information. Videos under a minute attract more viewers who value their time and are looking for unique insights efficiently delivered.

Planning your 2024 marketing budget? Here’s what you need to know
Source: Content Marketing Institute4


In 2024, SEO will continue to be a vital part of digital marketing, ensuring your content is seen in search results and attracts organic traffic. There are, however, numerous trends1 that you need to be aware of to build a robust SEO strategy. So, while the need to optimize for search engines remains constant, your tactics might have to change over time. 


Google ads and PPC 

In 2024, Google AdSense will transition from Pay-Per-Click (PPC) to Pay-Per-Impression (PPI)2, aiming to provide a robust monetization platform in tune with evolving advertiser needs. Here's what's essential to know:

  • Shift in model: In PPI, revenue will be generated every time an ad is viewed, focusing on brand visibility rather than just clicks.
  • Benefits: The PPI model offers advantages such as enhanced brand awareness and potentially increased earnings for publishers since impressions are more frequent than clicks.
  • Ad quality: Success in the PPI model will hinge on ad relevance and user experience. Google is expected to enforce stricter ad quality standards.
  • Preparation: Publishers reliant on PPC should explore other revenue streams like alternative ad networks or affiliate marketing to mitigate the impact of this shift.
  • Stay informed: It's crucial to stay updated with Google's guidelines and announcements to navigate the new advertising landscape proactively.


Social media 

Did you know that 84% of B2B marketers rate LinkedIn as the most valuable organic social media platform for their businesses? The other preferred social media channels are Facebook (29%), YouTube (22%), and Instagram (21%).


Planning your 2024 marketing budget? Here’s what you need to know
Source: Insiderintelligence.com5

As for declining platforms, 32% of marketers report reducing their use of X (Twitter), while decreases in Facebook (20%), Instagram (10%), YouTube (9%), and LinkedIn (2%) usage are also noted.

Planning your 2024 marketing budget? Here’s what you need to know
Source: Content Marketing Institute4


Email marketing: 

In 2024, email marketing will see advancements in personalization, AI integration, and interactive content, influenced by user behavior and sustainability concerns. Hyper-personalization will become more sophisticated, with emails tailored to individual behaviors and preferences. AI will enhance content recommendations, while visual storytelling through interactive elements like videos and GIFs will make emails more engaging. 

How to plan your digital marketing budget

As a CMO, when it comes to allocating your digital marketing budget, precision is key. You want to ensure each dollar is strategically invested to maximize your impact. Here’s a breakdown of how to plan your digital marketing budget for comprehensive coverage and optimal ROI.

Content development and strategy: Core investments

Allocate 50-60% of your budget to content development, planning, and strategy. This vital investment powers your blogs, video content, enterprise SEO, and overarching strategic initiatives. It’s the foundation of your digital presence and drives organic growth.

Ad spend: Calculated distribution

Dedicate 20-30% of your budget to ad spend, focusing on platforms that offer the highest returns. For B2B companies, this often means prioritizing LinkedIn and Google Ads, which should consume 35-40% and 30-60% of your ad spend, respectively, due to their targeted reach and professional audiences.

Website and social media: Engaging user experiences

Allocate about 6-9% of your budget to website maintenance and development to ensure your digital storefront remains dynamic and user-friendly. Another similar allocation should go towards social media management and campaigns to bolster brand awareness and customer engagement.

Email marketing and analytics: The final touches

Finally, direct around 3-5% of your budget to email marketing, analytics, and CRM tools. These investments help refine your strategies, foster customer relationships, and deliver actionable insights, ensuring you stay connected with your audience and ahead of the curve.

Maximizing ROI

As a CMO, your prime focus is maximizing ROI, ensuring every penny spent on marketing translates into tangible business growth. In digital marketing, this means crafting strategies that not only capture attention but convert interest into revenue. The following strategies are designed to help you navigate this complex landscape, turning potential into profits.

Maximizing ROI: Effective strategies

1. Repurpose with Purpose: Take one in-depth article and spin it into a collection of content pieces. Break it down into bite-sized social media posts, eye-catching infographics, and digestible podcast episodes. This approach not only extends the life of your original content but also caters to different audience preferences.

2. Segment and Conquer: Your audience is diverse, and a one-size-fits-all approach won't cut it. Try audience segmentation based on their interests and behaviors. Craft content that speaks directly to each segment. This targeted approach increases the likelihood of resonating with your audience and driving meaningful actions.

3. Let Data Lead: Your content's performance metrics are a goldmine of insights. Regularly analyze this data to see what's hitting the mark. If you notice a trend, like short-form videos outperforming lengthy blog posts, pivot your strategy. Allocate more resources to what works best, ensuring your efforts yield the best returns.

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Planning your 2024 marketing budget? Here’s what you need to know
Calculating Marketing ROI - aibiliti

2024’s biggest trends

As a CMO planning for 2024, it’s crucial to keep track of the latest of what’s happening in the digital marketing landscape. Here’s what you need to have on your radar:

1. AI-Powered personalization: Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing how we interact with audiences. Invest in AI for tailored content recommendations, smarter chatbots, and insightful predictive analytics to boost engagement and conversions.

2. Data Privacy compliance: With stricter privacy laws like GDPR and CCPA, allocate budget for compliance measures and transparent data practices. This investment is non-negotiable to maintain customer trust and brand integrity.

3. Video content production: Video is ruling the digital content marketing space. Allocate significant resources to creating compelling video content (with a focus on short-form), for platforms where your audience spends most of their time, such as YouTube or even LinkedIn.

4. Voice search optimization: Voice-activated devices are changing the SEO game. Ensure your content is optimized for conversational queries to stay ahead in the voice search revolution.

5. Sustainability marketing: Consumers demand eco-friendly and ethical brands. Budget for initiatives that highlight your company’s sustainable practices and corporate social responsibility.

6. Interactive Engagement Tools: Interactive content drives double the conversions. Invest in creating polls, quizzes, and other engaging tools to transform passive viewers into active participants.

7. Community and UGC initiatives: The power of community is immense. Invest in platforms and campaigns that encourage user-generated content, building brand loyalty and trust.

8. AR and VR experiences: Augmented and Virtual Reality are not just futuristic concepts but today's tools for immersive marketing. Invest in AR/VR to create captivating, interactive brand experiences.

By directing your 2024 marketing budget toward these sectors, you’ll be investing in not just trends, but transformative strategies that will keep your brand at the forefront of innovation and customer engagement.


As a CMO, your 2024 marketing budget should be a strategic tool that supports your business's growth and adapts to the market. It's all about smart allocation. Consider these insights and align your budget with the tactics that promise the best ROI.

What are the most common challenges you face while preparing a budget? Let us know in the comments below.



2: Google Adsense is transitioning to per-impression ...News YCombinator › item




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